December 2004
 Here are pictures from our wonderfully FULL December and Holiday Season.
They include pictures from Thanksgiving, the Santa Steam Train ride in Essex, CT,
Alex and Claires house in Ohio, Christmas preparation, Christmas Day, and Christmas Night...enjoy!

Cayleigh showing her pout on Thanksgiving. Cayleigh jamming with the spoons. Our Christmas picture, on Thanksgiving. Cayleigh cracking-up the Bradys before the Santa Train.
Our family smiling on the Santa Train. Cayleigh and Mommy looking out the train window. Grandma and Poppy with Cayleigh. Titi Andrea shows Cayleigh the camera.
Poppy making Cayleigh and Andrea laugh! View down the Santa train. Santa talks to Cayleigh. Titi Andrea, Cayleigh, and SANTA!
Claire and Lauren on our trip to OH. Alex gets crazy with Lauren while Becca and Cayleigh watch. Jacob and Play-Dough. Dans Play-Dough face.
Alex and Jacob checking out Santa at the Toledo Zoo. Claire and Lauren warming up at the Toledo Zoo. Alex and Cayleigh play after opening presents. Cayleigh helps put ornaments on the tree.
Holiday lights on our house. Cayleigh with ALL her presents before Christmas! Cayleigh on her sled Christmas Day. Cayleigh and Uncle Larry play piano Christmas Day.
Cayleigh fast-asleep on Titi Andrea Christmas night. Cayleigh and Mommy asleep in the middle of a Christmas book.

Designed and Updated by Dan Goberman on 12-27-04!